In Gratefulness to my teachers, tutors, reflecting family members and friends, I want to mention just a few:

  • My maternal grandmother Else, and paternal Louise, my father and mother

  • My high school religious & philosophy teacher

  • My ballet teachers in Germany 1964-1979. And here, now Joan Lazarus

  • Autogenous training teacher 1978/79 (mind power over nervous system to calm heart rate and nerves)

  • OSHO - tantra & spiritual teacher

  • Barry Long - tantra & spiritual teacher

  • Patricia Rochelle Diegel - numerologist

  • Jeru Kabbal - quantum light breath & accelerating inner transformation

  • Ilse Middendorf = Margot Biestman/ Jörg Roffler - breath experience

  • Voge Smith - psychic healing, release and clearing

  • Hale Dwoskin - teacher trainer of the Sedona Methode: conscious release work, NY bestselling author

  • Jocelyn Olivie - conscious bodywork

  • Hafiz & Rumi and other poets and philosophers

  • Gurdjieff

  • My beloved husband, who relentlessly and courageously reflects with honesty

  • My dearest friends ( you know whom I mean)

  • My clients who have helped me, supported me and whom I call my lineage line. Gerda Schimmer / Bruce Braden / Susan Brennan / Fred Goldberg / Ken & Judy Siebe / Ron Cowan / Sallie Bell / James Johnstone / Riva & David Berelson / Hendy Henderson / Jillian Rudman / Laura Paradis / Linda Carnie Loomis / Tracy Carnie Skytt / Amy Hambrecht / Andrea Topper / Dianne Admire / Olivia Doyne / Julie Aptis Alonso / Louise Callaghy / Allie Powers / Sarah Montgomery Tuttle. Please forgive me if I did not mention your name as so many more loving hearts and brilliant minds have been in my client base, that I could not list them all.

  • Life unfolding ….